Results & Standings

Paris Saint-Germain

Logo Paris Saint-Germain

City: Paris
Country: France
Number of participations: 4x
Highest ranking: second place in 2013 (lost in the final against Atlético Paranaense, 1 – 0)

Famous players played at Marveld Tournament: n/a

Marveld Tournament 2019 - Team Paris Saint-Germain
1. Henri Maton, 2. Younes El Hannach, 3. Lou Kent Bosc, 4. Gloire Bunga Capitao, 5. Nehemiah Fernandez, 6. El Chadaille Bitshiabu, 7. Christ Mukelenge, 8. Enzo Tayamoutou, 9. Axel Eboki, 10. Ismael Gharbi, 11. Jouvence Americo, 12. Zoumana Bagbema, 13. Ayman Kari, 14. Mehdi Ganouni, 15. Romaric Etonde, 16. Desthy Nkounkou, 17. Shadyl Delest, 18. Ilyes Housni