Results & Standings

SV Grol

City: Groenlo
Country: Netherlands
Number of participations: 25x
Highest ranking: 8th place in 1992

Famous players played at the Marveld Tournament: n/a

Marveld Tournament 2014 - Team SV Grol
1. Roar Storteler, 2. Mees van Schaik, 3. Jan de Vries, 4. Eduardo de Sousa Cavalcante, 5. Twan Riteco, 6. Colin Dibbets, 7. Rogier Platter, 8. Timo Roeterdink, 9. Stijn van Schijndel, 10. Asad Omar, 11. Tycho Riteco, 12. Stan Hulzink, 13. Martiz Bennink, 14. Siebe Lantink, 15. Rutger Bemers, 16. Jelle rijks, 17. Juul Schuurmans, 18. Pim Westervoorde, 19. Luuk Waenink, 20. Matijs Arink, 21. Quint Veld