Results & Standings

SV Grol

City: Groenlo
Country: Netherlands
Number of participations: 29x
Highest ranking: 8th place in 1992

Famous players played at the Marveld Tournament: n/a

1. Nick Oude Luttikhuis, 2. Thiemo Wessels, 3. Remco Everink, 4. Simon Wiggers, 5. Teun Reijrink, 6. Sophie te Braake, 7. Bader Faris, 8. Ids de Vries, 9. Paul Benedict, 10. Tiem Rots, 11. Tjibbe Paardekoper, 12. Mike Kempers, 14. Jordy Schutten, 15. Berend Lagers, 16. Sean Everink, 17. Dylan te Boome, 20. Mark Hietland, 21. Sem Brummelaar, 22. Kjell Riteco

SV Grol at Marveld Tournament 2018