Results & Standings

KRC Genk

Marveld Tournament - Logo Genk

City: Genk
Country: Belgium
Number of participations: first time at the Marveld Tournament
Highest ranking: n/a

Famous players played at the Marveld Tournament: n/a

Marveld Tournament 2016 - KRC Genk
1. Seppe Bastiaens, 2. Jasper Braeken, 3. Siebe Vandermeuelen, 4. Wouter Coomans, 5. Yarne Derwa, 6. Adnan Ugur, 7. Ilias Takidine, 8. Elias Sierra, 9. Arne Cuypers, 10. Samy Louknine, 11. Mitchel van Rosmalen, 12. Junior Diomandé Ardjouma, 13. Ruben Sierra-Cappelletti, 14. Youri Senden, 15. Julian Ilie, 26. Nick Shinton