Results & Standings

SV Grol

City: Groenlo
Country: Netherlands
Number of participations: 27x
Highest ranking: 8th place in 1992

Famous players played at the Marveld Tournament: n/a

Marveld Tournament 2016 - SV Grol
1. Nick Oude Luttikhuis, 2. Mike te Brake, 3. Stan Hulzink, 4. Teun Reijerink, 5. Noud Huijskes, 6. Yordi Rupert, 7. Tygo ten Bulte, 8. Charaf Eyaroudi, 9. Mick Wissink, 10. Tjibbe Paardekoper, 11. Ties Frank, 12. Stan Nijhuis, 13. Joep Lagers, 14. Titus Hoffman, 15. Mick Wolterink, 16. Jan Arink, 17. Remco Everink, 18. Mees van Schaik, 20. Siebe Lantink, 21. Tycho Riteco, 22. Ties Klein Gunnewiek