Results & Standings

FC Barcelona

Logo FC Barcelona

City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Number of participations: 7x
Highest ranking: winner in 2005

Famous players played at the Marveld Tournament: Jordi Alba, Giovanni Dos Santos, Fransisco Marida, Christian Tello, Iago Falque

1. Raul Garcia-Alejo Pizarro, 2. Roger Martinez Valls, 3. Eric Cañete Rodriguez, 4. David Navarro Exposito, 5. Eric Vega Clemente, 6. Xavi Simons, 7. Fermin Lopez Marin, 8. Arnau Sola Mateu, 9. Arnau Farnos Olive, 10. Jorge Alastuey Aperte, 11. Alejandro Ginard Perez, 12. Miquel Juanola Pastoret, 13. Alejandro Ramos Pinazo, 14. Marc Pelaz Ruiz, 15. Pau Servat Vidal, 16. Antoni Quetglas Lorente, 17. Juan David Fuentes Garrido, 18. Ilias Akhomach Chakkour, 19. Leonardo Dos Reis Muniz