Results & Standings

FAQ for sponsors

This page contains a list of frequently asked questions by (potential) sponsors of the International Marveld Tournament.

1. I would like to support the Marveld Tournament with my company by a financial and/or material contribution. Is that possible?

That’s certainly possible. Sponsoring is very important for the Marveld Tournament. Please contact our secretary Tonnie Zieverink. We will make an appointment to discuss the possibilities. We have an extensive sponsorship plan with various options for financial and material sponsorship of the tournament.

2. Can I also become a sponsor as a private individual?

That’s certainly possible. Every year, we offer 40 private persons the opportunity to become a “”matchball sponsor” for a small amount. In return, you will receive a ticket to the sponsor evening and a ticket for the tournament weekend. As soon as the presentation of the participants and the draw have taken place, interested parties can contact Sander Nijhof. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels.

You can’t find your question?

Please contact our secretary Tonnie Zieverink.