Kids’ Paradise

3 June 2023

The Marveld Tournament is, of course, primarily about football. However, a 3-day tournament wouldn’t be complete without the well-known side activities. These activities provide a perfect distraction for the youngest participants. Not only do these distractions benefit the kids, but they also allow football fans to fully focus on the matches. This is made possible by the presence of numerous volunteers who ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Located between the three playing fields at the sports park is a true “kids’ paradise.” Here, children can have fun and expend their energy through various games, most of which are football-related, of course.

They can sharpen their skills in the panna cage or engage in a game of teqball (a sort of table tennis played with feet and a ball). Teams can challenge each other to friendly matches, and everyone can test their shot power.

For those looking for a change of pace, there’s also the option to play darts, but with a ball, of course. One thing that shouldn’t be missed at all is the assortment of inflatable cushions. Kids go wild jumping around on them, providing endless entertainment. These cushions also serve as a great spot for the many volunteers to take a well-deserved rest between activities.