Feyenoord and Ajax play opening game 32nd International Marveld Tournament
12 April 2022In the weekend of June 10, 11 and 12 the 32nd International Marveld Tournament will be held on Sportpark Den Elshof in Groenlo. On March 19 the board of the Stichting Internationaal Marveldtoernooi announced the participants and afterwards the draw took place.
Meanwhile the schedule of the 32nd edition of the Internationaal Marveldtoernooi is ready, with a fantastic opening match on Friday June 10. This year the tournament opens with the Dutch “Classic”, Feyenoord – Ajax. So make a note in your agenda: Friday evening, June 10, 17:30 hr. A beautiful start for what, after 2 years of absence, will be a wonderful football weekend on 10, 11 and 12 June.