Results & Standings

‘Should there be a knot in the bag?’

9 June 2024

In the back corner of the sports hall, a few ladies are busily packing numerous lunch packages. At the Marveld tournament, everything is really thought of. Hannah, Wieke, Ise, Sil, and Suus are eagerly setting up a sort of production line because many lunch packages need to be packed. “We work very efficiently,” one of the ladies says with a laugh. “Everything was going smoothly and well until someone asked, ‘How many rolls?'”. This question briefly interrupted the work process, followed by various calculations and laughter, but at last, they didn’t quite figure it out. Conclusion: very, very, very many!

Lunch packages need to be prepared for about seven teams. These are intended for the teams that go straight home after the tournament or leave the next day. The lunch package consists of two rolls, a raisin roll, a banana and a mandarin, a bottle of water, and a muesli bar. While a knot is expertly tied in each bread bag, the question is asked about which teams have advanced in the tournament. These are Palmeiras, KRC Genk, FC Barcelona, and Ajax. Many more knots need to be tied before the lunch packages can be taken tonight or tomorrow. Meanwhile, the system is back on track, and the ladies continue cheerfully. “Do we also need thirty cheese rolls for the Dutch?”

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