Borussia Mönchengladbach

City: Mönchengladbach
Country: Germany
Number of participations: first time at the Marveld Tournament
Highest ranking: n/a

Famous players played at the Marveld Tournament: n/a

Marveld Tournament 2022 - Team Borussia Mönchengladbach
Lindsay Gutaj, 2. Chris Beyersdorf, 3. Salim Chekrouni, 4. Johann Deumi Nappi, 5. Isaac Ferreira-Zufelde, 6. David Fürst, 7. Niko Horvat, 8. Kilian Mischtal, 9. Josiah Uwakhonye,
10. Hasan Onur, 11. Franklin Opoku-Mensah, 12. Ugur Sahin, 13. Kilian Sauck, 14. Niklas Swider, 15. Farid Omorou, 16. Stefan Savicevic, 17. Christos Venos, 18. Raphael Van Geelkerken,
19. Moritz Wächter
Marveld Tournament - Logo Borussia Mönchengladbach